Introducing a tracer management system for Bayport


Bayport is a leading registered Credit Provider in Personal Loans, Debt Consolidation, Employee Financial Wellness and Payroll Lending Solutions.

Bayport approached Entelect to build a system called Baytrace, known as a “Tracer Management System”. A Tracer is someone who, essentially, collects debt and follows up on people with outstanding payments.

The main goal for Bayport was to turn an entirely manual process consisting of mostly paperwork into an online system.

Bayport also wanted an efficient process to appoint prospective external Tracers as independent contractors, and the ability for the appointed Tracer to select matters within its area of operation according to pre-determined business rules

Since the end of 2019, the proven efficiency of the system has resulted in Bayport now “selling” this system to other financial companies as a service.

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